Supdeco Career Center

Preparing for employability

Our Career Center brings together 02 employees on all of our different campuses in order to provide students from all programs and departments with support on their way to employment. This preparation is based on the following principles:


Help with the preparation of your CV, preparation for the expression of your motivations in a letter and during interview pitches, master of professional know-how in different environments.


A vision of the job panorama linked to each programme, a way of transforming a personal interest in a subject into a real professional project, an ability to use to create all networks, including that of Alumi. The service is based in particular on the combination of different tools to support the insertion of the latest generation (allowing to the construction of personalized pathways), and supplemented by individual coaching, in order to work out the particularities of the projects in cohesion with the particularities of our programmes.


Our Career Center provides many opportunities for various meetings with companies (forums, company presentations, professional meetings with graduates, career days…). These moments of exchange are regularly set up with our extensive network of graduates.

In general, these events allow our students to connect with the major international emblematic groups covering all sectors of activity by the Supdeco Dakar Group.



Its mission is to enable the student to prepare effectively for the world of work. Students have access to many tools, such as writing an effective cover letter, a good CV, preparing for a job interview, developing their professional network, boosting the individual and collective effectiveness of students, through leadership programmes, coaching in various fields, training, workshops on job search techniques, simulated interviews and the organisation of individual and collective job placement tests to assess their abilities and push their limits, etc.


The mission of this service is to prepare future graduates for entry into the labour market by accompanying them in the construction of their professional projects, develop their professionalization, and advise them on issues related to the search for internships, employment and professional integration. It forges close partnerships with companies promoting alternance training and works with professionals to ensure that the academic world is adapted to the reality of the professional world. It ensures the follow-up of a set of trainees, internship search for defences, on the relational and administrative level.

It develops privileged contacts and promotes the creation of partnerships with companies in Senegal and abroad, thus disseminating internships and job offers from companies to students. We train students on how best to articulate the value of their education and unique qualifications to meet the expectations of employers and graduates. And we continue to identify innovative ways to better serve students and employers. It is gratifying to see that our efforts are so well recognized (see thank you emails). The Carrer Center is committed to excellence and the aspiration continues to be the best among our peers.


  • School-Business Forums: they take place every year according to well-studied themes. These forums are an opportunity to meet our students in a privileged way and to present your internship and job offers to them.
  • Intervention by company executives to talk about their jobs: this is the opportunity for companies to present, in front of a targeted audience of students, their companies and their specificities in terms of jobs, as well as their recruitment procedures and human resources management policies.
  • Career Days: During the conference days and roundtables, come and share your experience and career choices. It is also an opportunity to present your sector of activity, the reality of the market, your position, how you can integrate into the company and your assets for a successful recruitment and take-up.
  • The days meet “dialogues” between students and alumni. The “Dialogues” meetings, which are the result of a partnership between the Supdeco Alumni Alumni Association and the Career Center, aim to enable students to increase the number of opportunities to meet our graduates around informal and convivial exchanges in order to guide them in their future career choices.
  • In-company experiences: all Supdeco Alternance courses allow students to acquire a number of significant in-company experiences (internships, apprenticeships, company visits, etc.), which account for 25 to 50% of the study time and are often carried out in the mornings from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The Career Center provides young people with diagnostic tools to help them discover their potential, information on career paths, training to prepare them for entering the labour market (basic skills and job search techniques), and opportunities to interact with the world of work. One of the priority tasks of the service is to enable students and professionals to meet, hence the coordination of actions such as the organisation of School/Business Forums.

PGE: Supdeco Career Center workshops or the success of your professional integration. The Supdeco Career Center regularly conducts job preparation workshops for students of the Supdeco Dakar Group. For the students of the Grande Ecole Programme (Bachelors and Masters), the last training sessions focused on the following themes:

Successful job interview, moderated by Sabina GUERRERO, Director of RMO Agency
Labour Market: General Job Search Strategies and Job Interviews, moderated by Mr. Demba Diop, Labour and Social Security Inspector, former Director of Employment.

Thus, the Supdeco Group Career Center provides many opportunities for various meetings with companies (forums, company presentations, business meetings with graduates, career days, etc.). These moments of exchange and sharing are regularly set up with our large network of graduates.

Enjoy! They are provided by top-level professionals. Institut Mercure: The activities of the Supdeco Career Center or the success of your professional integration.


Supdeco’s Career Center conducted job preparation workshops for students at the Mercure Institute of the Group. The last one was on the topic: job interview.


SUP DE CO is a private institution of higher education and interdisciplinary research, located in
Dakar, Thies and Saint Louis. With its campuses in Dakar, Thiès and Saint Louis, SUPDÉCO occupies a unique place in the Senegalese
in the Senegalese educational landscape.

32 (Français) ans
(Français) d'existence
(Français) campus
(Français) + 400
(Français) professeurs
(Français) + 3500
(Français) étudiants
(Français) poles spécialisés
(Français) + 100
(Français) entreprises partenaires

Des expériences d'apprentissage
créatives à Banjul et Djibouti
