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Classement Edurank Supdeco Dakar meilleure école de commerce au sénégal
In 2022, the Edurank ranking ranked the Supdeco Group in first place among Senegal’s Business Schools. The reputation of the institution, its performance in scientific research and the impact and popularity of its graduates are the criteria highlighted in this independent world ranking. Edurank: “We ranked the 28 best universities in Senegal based on their...
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A graduation filled with solemnity and pride. It took place within the majestic Sir Dawda Jawara Conference Center, at the heart of Gambia, where the 1st and 2nd graduating classes of Supdeco Campus Banjul were honored. The ceremony commenced under the auspices of a promising dawn, symbolizing the start of a new era for bachelor’s,...
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We are delighted to share the recent successes of our students in the Computer Science and Digital Bachelor’s program during their defenses. These significant moments were an opportunity to celebrate not only exceptional academic achievements but also the remarkable technical and creative skills that our students have developed throughout their journey. Diversity of Projects and...
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On October 3, 2023, the Supdeco Dakar Group opened its doors to prospective students. The open day provided a unique opportunity to explore the numerous training opportunities offered by the renowned business school. Discussions centered around the fields of management, computer science and engineering, law, languages and communication, economics, transportation and logistics, as well as...
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September 18, 2023, marked a memorable day for our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students (100% English), whose bright minds illuminated the defense room with captivating presentations on a variety of topics. The future business leaders shared their innovative ideas and insightful analyses, covering an impressive range of subjects. From change management strategies to process...
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Tell us about your career and your current position? I am Enock MAMBOU, fullstack developer within the Supdeco Dakar group. Regarding my career, I joined the Supdeco group in 2015 after getting my Baccalaureate C at KIPOLO FONKOMA high school in Pointe Noire in Congo Brazzaville. I was recommended by my uncle who made the...
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On August 21, 2023, the Supdeco Dakar Group and the Société d’Exploitation du Train Express Régional (SETER), signed a school-company partnership agreement to bring the two environments closer together in order to meet the needs of each and contribute to their outreach. By this agreement, the two parties commit to implement several actions aimed at...
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On Tuesday, August 2, 2023, the Supdeco Dakar Group and the Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique Technique Senegal-Japan (CFPT S-J) signed a partnership agreement that formalises the natural link between the Grande Ecole and the Centre de Formation and that effectively contributes to the sustainable development of Senegal and Africa by strengthening the capacities...
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As every year, the defenses of the reports of the prestigious Bachelor Programme Grande Ecole, the first school of the Supdeco Group created in 1993, took place from 21 to 23 June 2023. This year, under the chairmanship of Dr. Malick MANE and Dr. Astou Manel FALL surrounded by eminent professors of the Supdeco Group,...
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A solid training course completely free of charge in a major business school, resulting in a guaranteed job at one of the best in the retail sector. The official launch ceremony of the 2nd cohort of the Bachelor in Alternance Commerce & Large Distribution, the result of the strategic partnership between Auchan Retail Senegal and...
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