On Tuesday, August 2, 2023, the Supdeco Dakar Group and the Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique Technique Senegal-Japan (CFPT S-J) signed a partnership agreement that formalises the natural link between the Grande Ecole and the Centre de Formation and that effectively contributes to the sustainable development of Senegal and Africa by strengthening the capacities of young people to develop their skills, with a view to promoting their inclusion in the professional world.
The aim of this collaboration is, among other things, to develop training courses, tailor-made support programmes and to provide laboratories for practical work and teaching tools, etc.
This partnership gives the Ecole Scientifique Internationale d’Excellence (ESIEX), the preparatory classes at the Grandes Ecoles of the School of Engineering and Technology and the “Académie des métiers et de l’entreprenariat” of Sandiara, the opportunity to benefit from an exceptional technical platform for practical work in laboratory, electromechanics, robotics and electronics. Thus, our students will benefit from access to this technical platform, both in terms of trainers and training programs.
The ceremony took place in the presence of Mr. Babacar SECK, Director of the Centre (CFPT S-J) and Mr. Abdoul Aziz SY, Deputy CEO of the Supdeco Group.