

Mardis de l'entreprise - Innovebox rencontre nos étudiants
As part of the series of meetings “Les Mardis de l’entreprise”, the School of Engineering and Technology of Supdeco hosted the company Innovebox on Tuesday 12 December 2023 to discuss the topic “Best practices in mobile development: the integration of Laravel API with Flutter. ” During the meeting, Mr. Issa Ndoye MBENGUE, CEO of Innovebox,...
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The Faidherbe campus of the Supdeco Dakar Group resounded with enthusiasm on 5 December 2023 during the re-entry amphi dedicated to new recruits. The event was a captivating immersion into the academic and professional world that awaits students. The day began with a warm welcome, creating an atmosphere conducive to discovery. Mamadou Diop, Secretary General,...
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November 24, 2023 will remain engraved in the annals of the Supdeco Dakar Group, as the School of Economics was officially launched during a memorable ceremony at the Axil Hotel, Avenue Macky Sall (Ex Faidherbe). Under the patronage of Mr Bathelemy DIAS, Mayor of the City of Dakar and President of the World Forum of...
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On November 15, 2023, the Iba Mar Diop Stadium was the scene of an exceptional day, attracting hundreds of students eager for sports. From invigorating gym sessions to the serene moments of yoga, every corner of the stadium was brimming with dynamic activities. Competitions were in the spotlight with fiery basketball and football games pitting...
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On 24 November 2023, the Institut Supérieur des Transports and Dakar Mobilité, BRT, signed a school-company partnership agreement to bring the two environments closer together in order to meet the needs of each and contribute to their promotion. With this agreement, the two parties are committed to implementing several actions aimed at promoting the professional...
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Classement Edurank Supdeco Dakar meilleure école de commerce au sénégal
In 2022, the Edurank ranking ranked the Supdeco Group in first place among Senegal’s Business Schools. The reputation of the institution, its performance in scientific research and the impact and popularity of its graduates are the criteria highlighted in this independent world ranking. Edurank: “We ranked the 28 best universities in Senegal based on their...
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Supdeco Dakar et Wallonie-Bruxelles Sénégal renforcent leur coopération pour l'entreprenariat digital au Sénégal
The Supdeco Dakar group recently hosted a delegation from Wallonie-Bruxelles Sénégal, including Mr. Jean-François PAKULA, General Delegate, and Ibrahima DIOUF, Advisor. The fruitful exchanges explored various avenues of collaboration, with a particular focus on the ongoing project in partnership with the Management School of the University of Liège (HEC Liège). The main objective is to...
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The Supdeco Dakar Group, represented by Mr Alioune NDIAYE, Coordinator of the School of Management and Distance Learning, played a leading role in the discussions at the AfricaDigitalEdu International Colloquium 2023, organised by the Cheikh Hamidou KANE Digital University (UN-CHK). The two-day event, which took place on 13 and 14 October 2023 in Diamniadio, Senegal,...
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