As part of a dynamic partnership between the Supdeco Dakar Group and the University of IOWA (USA), Mr. Abdoul Aziz SY, Deputy General Manager of the Supdeco Group, participated as a speaker in the Entrepreneurship Program of the University of IOWA. As part of the partnership with the University of IOWA, our students participate in...Read More
The Supdeco Dakar Group participated as a sponsor in the Senegal World Tennis Tournament. Our very dynamic tennis club, accompanied by Mr. Diop, head of Supdeco sports, was invited to attend the final. #amoments Mr. Boubacar Diop invited to present the trophies. As a reminder, the manager’s training at Supdeco Dakar includes, in addition to the...Read More
As part of the development of its network of partners, the Supdeco Group has just signed a partnership with Les Grands Moulins de Dakar, a Senegalese company operating in the milling industry since 1954. GMD is a company that produces flour and flour products. A part of its business is dedicated to the manufacture of...Read More
Did you know that over 60% of our workforce are women? The school has been committed to the issue of equity since its inception. A historic commitment, supported by the entire educational community of the Supdeco Group and at all levels of the institution. The Supdeco Group has always set itself the mission of inspiring and...Read More
The Supdeco Dakar Group participated in the International Exhibition on Energy and Oil in Africa (SIEPA) on 07 and 08 March 2023 at the King Fahd Palace. An opportunity to take part in the panel on “Value chain and governance of the hydrocarbons sector – la formation/ Value chain and governance – Education and Training” with...Read More
As part of the development of its network of partners, Supdeco Campus Saint-Louis has just sealed a partnership with Challenge Hub, Platform for the Promotion of Urban Cultures and Directly Assisted Entrepreneurship. This partnership will make it possible to recruit our students in the form of internships or jobs, to allow students with projects, to...Read More
Our Master’s students at the Institut Supérieur des Transports visited the warehouses of Auchan de Thiaroye in order to better understand the functioning and role of the different functions in a warehouse. This company visit is part of the Master’s programme and the Group’s approach to bringing its students closer to the business world. They...Read More
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