Supdeco Dakar and Wallonie-Bruxelles Senegal strengthen their cooperation for digital entrepreneurship in Senegal.

Supdeco Dakar et Wallonie-Bruxelles Sénégal renforcent leur coopération pour l'entreprenariat digital au Sénégal

The Supdeco Dakar group recently hosted a delegation from Wallonie-Bruxelles Sénégal, including Mr. Jean-François PAKULA, General Delegate, and Ibrahima DIOUF, Advisor.

The fruitful exchanges explored various avenues of collaboration, with a particular focus on the ongoing project in partnership with the Management School of the University of Liège (HEC Liège). The main objective is to train and prepare multidisciplinary teams for entrepreneurship in the digital sector in Senegal.

As a reminder, in 2022, this partnership, led by the Supdeco Incubator, resulted in the successful training of about a hundred young students in Project Overview & Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Digital Marketing, New Technological Trends, and Business Process & Odoo.

A highlight of this collaboration was the organization of a Hackathon at the end of the training sessions. This event helped select three digital solutions addressing specific local issues. These projects, initiated by young entrepreneurs, benefited from the support and guidance of the Supdeco Business Incubator, as well as seed funding from the General Delegation for Rapid Entrepreneurship (DER). One of the projects was even honored during the 2022 national phases of the “My Idea, My Business” competition organized by the University Agency of La Francophonie.

This dynamic cooperation between Supdeco Dakar and Wallonie-Bruxelles Sénégal illustrates their joint commitment to the development of digital entrepreneurship in Senegal, providing concrete opportunities for the country’s young talents.”