Our alumni shine all over the world | September Alumni – Abdoulaye DIOP, Operational Risk Analyst at BICIS SUNU GROUP

Groupe Supdeco Dakar

Abdoulaye DIOP joined the Supdeco Dakar Group in 2011, where he obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) option Audit, Management and a Master of Audit and Management Control in 2015. During his studies, he became involved in activities and associations that earned him a place in the Student Office. Abdoulaye was in charge of the sports section, member of the organizing committee of the Cross Supdeco and coordinator of the student travel project. In 2015, he became Chief Executive Officer for Associative Life at Supdeco and a member of the Organising Committee of the 5th edition of the Ecole-Entreprise Forum.

Her professional integration began in October 2015 as a supervisor within the Supdeco Dakar Group in order to take care of the follow-up and supervision of students in general accounting, analytical accounting, and introduction to auditing and management control. As of August 2018, Abdoulaye DIOP has been appointed Internal Auditor at Atlantic Bank. During this period, he was responsible for the annual audit of agencies and functional missions (Risk, Projects Directorate and Organisation, etc.), participating in the drafting of audit work programmes, filing and archiving mission files, following up on recommendations, etc.

In August 2019, he joined BICIS SUNU GROUP as Operational Permanent Controler OPC, where he currently holds the position of Operational Risk Analyst since November 2022. Abdoulaye is in charge of risk incident management Operational (IRO capture and analysis. Cross-reference between IRO accounting data and those recorded in accounting systems.), Follow-up to IG and CAC recommendations and fraud…

We wish him every success in his professional and personal career.