Participation of our Deputy General Manager at the Exhibition of Crafts and Associations of Auchan Retail Senegal

Recently, Auchan Retail Senegal’s Trade and Associations Show welcomed a variety of participants, including major players in education and distribution. On this occasion, Mr. Abdoul Aziz SY, Deputy General Manager of the Supdeco Dakar Group, honoured the event with his presence by actively participating in the first day dedicated to the employability of young people.

The day was an opportunity for Mr SY to discuss the successes of the long-standing partnership between the Supdeco Dakar Group and Auchan Retail Senegal. For more than five years, this partnership has enabled many Auchan executives to benefit from the high-quality training offered by Supdeco, particularly in our Executive Manager and Bachelor of Commerce and Distribution programmes. These courses cover a wide range of areas such as distribution, sales, marketing and finance, thus enriching the skills of Auchan employees.

Mr SY underlined the importance of this partnership to improve the employability of young people by offering them a combination of theory and practice in work-linked training. Our Mercure Institute, which has specialized in alternance training for more than 20 years, has already trained more than 15,000 middle and senior managers.

Thanks to this collaboration, the Supdeco Dakar Group continues to play a crucial role in the training of highly qualified professionals, thus meeting the constantly changing needs of the Senegalese labour market.