INTERVIEW ALUMNI – Enock, Fullstack Developer

Tell us about your career and your current position?

I am Enock MAMBOU, fullstack developer within the Supdeco Dakar group. Regarding my career, I joined the Supdeco group in 2015 after getting my Baccalaureate C at KIPOLO FONKOMA high school in Pointe Noire in Congo Brazzaville. I was recommended by my uncle who made the same journey. Having obtained my bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering in 2018, I then proceeded to a bac+5 in order to obtain my master’s degree in Monetics and Digital Certification in 2020.

My professional experience began with a 3 month internship in 2017 at BL TECHNOLOGY in Pointe Noire in Congo Brazzaville as a web developer where I had to develop a sales management application.

In 2018, I joined the digital development department of the Supdeco Dakar group as a fullstack developer until 2020, when we had to set up an e-learning platform with the Moodle CMS, websites, etc.

In 2021, I did a six-month internship at TotalEnergies in the IT Infrastructure & Support department in Congo Brazzaville.

After my internship, I returned to Dakar and rejoined the Supdeco group as a fullstack developer. My current role involves designing and developing key applications to support the Supdeco Dakar Group’s digital transformation policy.

How did your studies at Supdeco prepare you for your job?

My studies at Supdeco played a crucial role in preparing me for my current job in IT development. A concrete example of this preparation is the Gainde Startup Challenge competition in 2018 during my third year of bachelor’s degree organised by the company gainde 2000, which put teams from different schools into competition and in which we were finalists.

This experience was particularly rewarding as it allowed us to apply the skills we had acquired throughout our studies at Supdeco. She also taught us project management, timeliness, and effective team coordination.

In summary, my studies at Supdeco thoroughly prepared me for my current job in IT development by providing me with solid theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience through projects like the one I mentioned. This combination allowed me to develop the skills needed to succeed in the field of software development.

What impressed you the most during your course at ESITEC?

What impressed me the most was the participation in real projects throughout my course. ESITEC actively encourages students to engage in practical projects as a team, which allowed us to put into practice the theoretical concepts we learned in class.

In addition, the proximity to teachers and mentors at ESITEC was remarkable. They were always available to discuss our projects, answer our questions and guide us in our learning.

Finally, ESITEC has a vibrant student community, and I was impressed by the diverse backgrounds and interests of my fellow students. Through the Computer Club, we had to lead training workshops in order to share our knowledge with other students from other departments.

Any advice for students who would like to join the world of IT development?

For students wishing to dive into the world of IT development, take this as a fundamental piece of advice: cultivate an unquenchable thirst for permanent knowledge and remember the importance of communication, management, and leadership. The technology sector is evolving at an unbridled pace, with the constant emergence of new programming languages, frameworks and technologies. In order to succeed as a developer, it is imperative to constantly be on the lookout and keep abreast of the latest trends. Follow blogs, be present in forums, don’t be afraid to share your knowledge, …

Finally, don’t ignore the importance of hands-on experience. Participate in programming projects, either as a student or as an intern, to put your skills into practice. While theory is crucial, there is no substitute for solving real problems.