(Français) Hackathon ENDGI 2024 : Innovation, Collaboration et Succès

The ENDGI Hackathon 2024, funded by Wallonie Bruxelles Internationale and led by the School of Engineering and Technology of the Groupe supdeco Dakar, was a remarkable week of innovation, collaboration and success. From 22 to 27 April 2024, creative minds gathered at Supdeco’s Point E Campus to explore the exciting theme of “Entrepreneurship in IoT”

Exploration and Discovery

The week began with an official ceremony, where the words of the coordinator ENDGI 2024 Dr. Falou NDOYE, Pr. Annie Cornet from the University of Liège, the Advisor to the WBI General Delegate in Senegal, Mr. Ibrahima DIOUF and Ms. Yasmine Sy SARR, Director of Strategic Development & Quality infused stimulating energy into the participants. Team building activities have also played a key role in breaking down barriers between participating students from our different campuses, creating an environment conducive to collaboration and exchange.

Exchange and Inspiration

The following days were moments of exchange with experienced entrepreneurs through panels offering an enriching perspective to the participants.

The participants immersed themselves in workshops on the Organization of the Company, Design Thinking and Ideation, and the Business Model Canvas. Each session was another step in their quest to create something great. They also had the opportunity to discover new perspectives through visits to partner companies such as CNC-SHAPE and the Usine Bonnet Rouge, adding a concrete dimension to their learning and inspiration.

Refinement of Projects

The competitive aspect took off with coaching and mentoring sessions, where teams benefited from expert advice to fine-tune their projects. Thematic workshops enabled participants to develop their skills and confidence.

The Glow of Victory

The pinnacle of the hackathon was reached at the Final Pitch, where the teams brilliantly presented their innovative projects to a panel of expert judges. After careful deliberation, the SYNAPTIX team emerged victorious with a “SAKARANGUE” project that embodies ingenuity, creativity and relevance in the field of IoT. #congratualtions

Celebration and Recognition

The closing ceremony provided an opportunity to celebrate these exceptional achievements with inspiring speeches. The ENGI 2024 was thus a real catalyst for innovative ideas and fruitful collaborations, testifying to the commitment and talent of the participants.

Congratulations to all participating teams, organizers and partners for making this hackathon a memorable and rewarding experience.


Hackathon ENDGI 2024